You need me (so you don't need me).


You're confused. Depressive symptoms, sudden moments of fear, less pleasure in life or feeling exhausted. It happens to you and doesn't seem to pass on it's own.


This can result in physical complaints that have no cause. Or the idea that you are not good enough and seem to lose confidence in yourself. And thats possible in all kinds of areas; personal, business and relational. Think of problems with your partner, your children, your parents, your employer or employee.

 But maybe you don't know what's wrong.


Then you can come to me. And everything's brought to the table. We will get started, but then we réally get started. Because talking is good, but changing through insight is much better.


 Desperate times require drastic measures. That's the reason for my success and ultimately yours too. Are you up for it?

 I am a specialist in the following areas:  

 - autism spectrum disorders or conditions,

 - high or exceptional giftedness,

 - depression

 - problems in the field of sexuality,

 - bi or homosexuality,

 - gender dysphoria, transgenderism,

 - relationship problems.

 Connecting is of course preferable. And I can in various areas from expertise, knowledge and experience. For example you should think of:

 - gloominess (depressive feelings),

 - fear, anger, sadness, guilt,

 - problems at school,

 - bullying,

 - eating problems,

 - have no contact with your own feelings,

 - a negative self-image (low self-esteem)

 - uncertainty in social contacts,

 - sexuality issues,

 - fear of abandonment,

 - fear of commitment,

 - processing a divorce,

 - changed family composition,

 - cultural differences,

 - different forms of addiction,

 - death of a loved one or child,

 - difficult decisions in life,

 - disturbed family relationships,

 - dealing as a parent with a child with problematic behavior,

 - physical complaints without a clearly identifiable cause,

 - dealing with a chronic or serious illness of yourself or your loved ones,

 - traumatic events (for example, an accident, physical and/or sexual abuse),

 - PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), burnout, bore-out, stress or being stressed,

 - no longer enjoying your work,

 - problems with colleagues or supervisor,

 - conflict avoidance,

 - do not know what you want.

 I assume that your complaints are not what you are, but what you have. In addition, I do not use a standard approach but adjust to your personal needs as an individual. However, do not expect a warm bath full of understanding, attention and confirmation; I would like to think that you want to change and find a solution to your problems.

 My provocative style is a mix of contact, humor, challenge and free association and helps you to come to:

 - self-esteem

 - realism

 - assertiveness

 - new choices

 - self-expression

 If you like this approach, you can contact me for an appointment. This gives you no obligation.

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